Thursday, January 31, 2013

Team Workout!

4 Rounds for Time:

10 Pull-ups
15 Wall Ball shots
20 Box Jumps (24” box)
25 Press (45 #)

One partner runs 200 meters while the other partner starts the workout. When the runner returns, he takes over on the workout where the other partner left off. This continues until the two partners combine to complete all 4 rounds.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

400 m run
21 kettlebell swings 53/35
12 pull ups

3 rounds

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

100 Airsquats
Run 400 meters
75 Airsquats
Run 400 meters
50 Airsquats
Run 400 meters
25 Airsquats
Run 400 meters

Monday, January 28, 2013

300 m run
40 hang power cleans 115/75
50 HR push ups
60 kb swings @ 55/35##
70 burpees
80 walking lunge steps
90 double unders

For time . . .

Sunday, January 27, 2013

10 thrusters 135/95
200 m run
20 thrusters 95/65
400 m run
30 thrusters 65/45
800 m run
1 round

Thursday, January 24, 2013

10 Box jumps
5 Wall walks
20 double unders

4 rounds for time

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

80 hang power snatch, 75/45
800 M Run
70 K2E
400m run
60 hang power clean, 95/65
200 M Run
40 burpee pull ups
100 M Run
20 box jumps 24/20

This is a team workout.  Partition reps as you see fit.  You cannot start the next exercise until the previous one is finished. 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

4 Sets of 3 reps weighted pull ups


15 Hang Power Cleans  95/65
20 Overhead Weighted Walking Lunges 45/25

4 sets for time


2 minutes accumulated supinated grip chin over the bar hold

Monday, January 21, 2013

Three rounds for time of:
35 pound Dumbbell squat snatch, 15 reps, right arm
15 sit-ups
35 pound Dumbbell squat snatch, 15 reps, left arm
15 Toes to bar

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Tomorrow's hero wod will be at 7am!
8 rounds for time of:
Run 200 meters
11 Dumbbell burpee deadlifts, 60/40 pound dumbbell

Thursday, January 17, 2013

A lot of this week has been body weight movements with aerobic training.  Today, we are going to test improvement.

3 rounds for total reps

1 minute max squats with an empty bar
rest 1 minute
1 minute max burpees
rest 1 minute
200 meter SPRINT

Rest as needed between sets.  Score is total reps of burpees, squats, and time of sprint added together.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Partner up for this one...

Only one person can work at a time.  Break the WOD up anyway you and your partner decide. 

100 Box Jumps
Run 400 Meters
100 Air Squats
Run 400 Meters
100 Games Push ups
Run 400 Meters
100 Situps
Run 400 meters

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

10 kettle bell swings
10 toes to bar
30 double unders
400 m run
3 rounds

Monday, January 14, 2013

3 minutes Burpees


15 Thrusters  95/65
15 Pull ups  


3 minutes Burpees

Score is time on middle portion, subtract 1 second for each burpee completed.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Friday's workout

10 Burpees
Run 200 meters

8 rounds
Hey guys and gals, this isn't Shauna.  I thought this was funny and some of you might enjoy it. 


As of this week, I am now into my third week of CrossFit. This is my first full week of regular classes after graduating the introductory On-Ramp classes. In my short time at CrossFit, I have noticed a definite trend in my emotions. I call it the Five Emotional Stages of CrossFit:

1. Fear and Dread:
This is how I feel when I read about the upcoming WOD on my box's Facebook page. I often worry think about the WOD for up to eight hours before actually doing it. This is kind of absurd considering the WOD itself only lasts between 7-20 minutes. This is where I have to learn to fight my brain and push past the negative thoughts that tell me I'd rather go home and watch prime time television (or sleep in). Of course it is going to be hard. It is supposed to be hard. That is kind of the point.

2. Acceptance:
Once I arrive at the Box, I instantly feel better. Everyone is very friendly and supportive. It is probably the least intimidating gym environment I have ever been in, as far as the other athletes personalities are concerned. There are more than enough people around willing to help build you up, to give you pointers and the confidence you need to get through it. I even start to get this false hope that it won't be that bad.

3. Pain & Suffering:
This is how I frequently feel during the WOD. I sometimes actually worry that I might die (or puke). At times I have seriously contemplated throwing down the barbell and running out the back door in tears to never return again (I would never actually do that). I feel pain. I am suffering. I am making faces that would scare small children (no one take my picture please). I am paying someone money to feel this kind of pain? What is wrong with me? I remind myself this is all making me stronger. I am doing this on purpose.

4. Total Elation:
Immediately following the 7-20 minutes of pure hell, I feel a top-of-the-world elation that is hard to describe. It is kind of like a runners high, but better. I may be laid out on the floor while I am feeling this, but even if I finished in very last place, I pretty much feel like a total bad-ass. These are probably some of the happiest minutes of my day (outside of the time I spend with hubby).

5. Excitement:
This is the part when I go home and all I can talk about (to my poor Hubby and anyone else who will pretend to listen) is CrossFit. I rehash every miserable minute with such enthusiasm, one might think I was crazy. Wait, I'm confused, it sucked? So why are you so happy? I am very excited at this point to face the next challenge. I imagine my future-self doing unassisted pull-ups, handstand push-ups, and back squatting my own body weight! I can't wait for the next class...until the next day's WOD is posted on their Facebook page.

Then I repeat the cycle...

How about you? Does your work out scare you? How do you get through it mentally?

Keep Running (and WODing),


Hi guys!  This is Shauna--

I have been asked by several people about my take on exercise and nutrition.  There are a few different things to think about—I will post a thought or two now and again that will give you my perspective.

·         Celebrate progress!  I hear many times a week comments like, “I only did 65 on my power cleans,”  “I can only do 5 real push-ups,” “I was so slow on my run.”  Do not forget where you came from; 65 pound power cleans are 65 pounds more than you could do 3 months ago.  Five push-ups are five more than you even tried two weeks ago.  Recognize your progress and celebrate the successes! 

·        Eat to fuel your body.  Do not diet.  I used to count calories.  I worried about that more than what kind of food I was putting in my body.  I was doubtful that eating “clean” would really make that big of a difference.  It has made the MOST difference.  Now I eat to give my body what it needs.  I eat constantly.  I still crave things that I know my body will hate.  (I save those for my cheat meals.)  I am not tired at 2 in the afternoon.  I am stronger and have more energy.  Give eating “clean” a try for at least three weeks.  You will see results quickly. 
T    The challenge is about changing the way you think about exercise and nutrition and fitness…hopefully these two ideas will help you stay positive and motivated!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

For Thursday:
deadlifts 225/185
handstand push ups

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

10 Power cleans 135/95
15 Bar over Burpees
20 Double Unders

AMRAP 16 minutes

Monday, January 7, 2013

10 Snatch 95/65
15 Box Jumps
20 Games Pushups
25 Sit ups
Run 1K

2 rounds for time

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Tomorrow's WOD


Squat Cleans  95/65

For time. 

Then run 800 meters
Lifestyle challenge 2013 is around the corner.  Get with me or Shauna to get signed up.  It's going to be a 45 day challenge of eating clean and working out 5 times a week.  We will start a Saturday class and try to work an afternoon class in so we can break it up a little bit to make it more convenient. 

Eating clean means eating Paleo.  You get one cheat meal a week.  When you guys started, I told you that you would get fitter and faster if you stuck with it, and you have.  I believe nutrition is 80% of what we do.  When the body begins to burn fat as fuel, you will become leaner, faster and stronger.  This isn't some fad diet that's hard to maintain.  It's pretty easy once you learn what you can and can't eat, and plan a little bit. 

I can tell you guys that if you eat clean and train, the result you will see will be phenomenal.  You will be leaner, stronger and faster than you ever have before.  Besides, it's only six weeks!  You can do anything for six short weeks.

Get with Shauna or me for details, to get signed up and for a point sheet.  Winner will be announced at the end of the challenge and will win a prize.  (No, I'm not telling you what the prize is)

That's Paleo !!  Pretty simple and you can do it.  

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Hee Hee...tomorrow is going to suck.

150 Burpees for time

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

24 air squats
24 push ups
24 walking lunges
400 meter run
5 rounds for time
We will be opening up at 5 am!