Monday, September 30, 2013

The wod for Tuesday, October 1st is a surprise.  Shauna does not know what it is and therefore, cannot let you know what it is.

Here are some clues:
1) after doing it, one part of Launa's body almost fell off (direct quote)
2) it was created by Rich (ahhhhh) Froning
3) it is awesome

See you on Tuesday!

Shauna will bring copies of the challenge paperwork in the afternoon and leave them by the stereo.
This is going to be so motivating and rewarding--we encourage everyone to participate in some way!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Challenge Information

We will start our Lifestyle Challenge on Tuesday, October 1st.  It will run for 6 weeks.  You can pick up point sheets on Tuesday.  Here are the guidelines:

1)  There will be two separate challenges; an individual challenge that is based on healthy eating, exercise, and rest and a team challenge based on workouts.

2)  To participate in the individual challenge you must: pick up a sheet, complete the baseline workout, and pay $10 all before October 8th.  The point worksheet has spots for measurements.  Take pictures for your own benefit!

3) To participate in the team challenge you must identify which team you are on (Shauna and Launa are team captains and have carefully selected each member), and participate in at least one team workout over the next 6 weeks.

4) Individual winners will be determined by challenge points+inches lost+pounds lost+increase in baseline+paragraph.  Challenge points are earned by eating clean (Paleo), exercising, and getting at least 7 hours of sleep.

5)  Team winners are determined by points awarded on Saturday workouts.  Each team member must participate in at least one workout, but may not participate in two consecutive workouts.  The winning (fastest) team is awarded one point.  At the end of the six workouts, the team with the most points wins.

6)  The winner of the individual challenge receives a cash award.

7)  The winning team gets to pick a workout for the losing team and gets bragging rights.

8) Team events will be posted Thursday night.


run 400 m
21 kettlebell swings 53/35
12 pull ups

3 rounds for time

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Shauna asked for a sandwich for her birthday.   Do you girls think a sandwich with these guys would work?  I think that she started purring when she saw this photo, and the computer screen has lick marks....wth?

Thursday, September 26, 2013

3 rounds for time:

10 R arm snatch @ 50/35#
15 burpees
10 L arm KB snatch @ 50/35#
15 Front rack alternating lunge steps 95/65

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes of:

10 Push Press 115/75#
10 KB Swings 55/35#

Rest 2 minutes, and then…

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes of:

10 Pull-Ups
10 Box Jumps 24/20″

Monday, September 23, 2013

Fight Gone Bad

3 rounds for reps

1 minute wall balls
1 minute sumo dead lift high pulls 75/45
1 minute box jumps (not step ups) 20"
1 minute push press  75/45
Row for calories
1 minute rest.

The clock doesn't stop to change stations.  Keep track of your total reps.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

10 overhead weighted walking lunges 45/25 lb
8 Toes to Bar
6 Hand stand push ups
Run 400 meters

4 rounds for time

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Partner WOD

150 Double Unders
100 Air Squats
80 KB Swings
60 Hang Power Cleans  95/65
40 Box Jumps  24/20"
20 Front Squats  95/65

Run 800 Meters

You must split reps evenly between partners.  

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

It seems like we have a bunch of birthdays in September.  September 19th is Troy Strong's, Jesse Williams' Jr, and Brandon Williams' birthday.

3 - Wall Walks (Troy)
8 - Chest to bar pull ups (Troy)
9 - Goblet Squats  53/35
15 - Good mornings (Brandon)
17 - Push ups (Jay)
19 - Air squats

x 3 rounds for time.


2 rounds of the same.

If you can't do wall walks, do handstand holds.  If you can't do a handstand, get a box and do hand stand push ups with your knees on the box.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

25 KB Swings  53/35
25 Box Jumps
25 Push ups
25 Wall balls
Run 400 meters

3 rounds for time


20 KB Swings 35/26
20 Box Jumps  20/16
20 Push ups
20 Wall balls
Run 400 meters

2 rounds for time - If you can, do a 3rd round.

Monday, September 16, 2013


Clean and jerk 115/75
Bar over burpees
Wall balls



Clean and jerk 65/45
Bar over burpees
Wall balls 15/10

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Squat - work to a 1 rep max.

50 Double unders
40 Push ups
30 Pull ups
20 Sit ups
30 Pull ups
40 Push ups
50 Double Unders

1 round for time.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

I thought we would be doing the total today.  It's been a tough week, so let's spread the total out over a couple days.

Push press

10 Russian KB swings  70/53 - Swing to eye level
10 Chest to bar pullups
10 HR pushups
Run 400 meters

3 rounds for time.


Push Press

10 Russian KB Swings  35/26
10 Chest to bar pull ups
10 HR Push ups
Run 400 meters

2 rounds for time

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

3 Power Snatch  115/85
6 Wall Balls 20/15
9 Box Jumps 24/20

EMOM 10 minutes


3 Power Snatches  85/55
6 Wall Balls  15/10
9 Box Jumps  20/Sprinkler box'

EMOM 10 minutes

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Dead lift 225/185#
Handstand Pushups

then rest for a few minutes and

run 400 meters for time

Write times for both on the board.  (Example  5:12/1:30)



Deadlift  135/95
HR Pushups


then run 400 meters for time

Monday, September 9, 2013


Power Clean - get heavy



Thrusters 95/65
Toes to bar


Power clean - work on the basic movement



Thrusters  65/45
knees to elbows

Sunday, September 8, 2013

We had a great time watching Launa Taylor compete this weekend at the Gnarly Throw down.  Launa took 2nd place overall!!  Make sure you congratulate her when you see her.


Start with a running clock.

10 Walking Lunges  95/65 #
10 Dead lift   95/65#
10 Bar over Burpees

4 rounds for time - At every 3 minute interval, (3,6,9,12...) you must hold the bar with your weight over head for 30 seconds.  If you drop the bar while holding it overhead, there is a 15 burpee penalty to be performed at the end of the workout.



Start with a running clock.

10 Walking Lunges  65/35#
10 Dead lifts   65/35
10 Bar over Burpees

3 rounds for time - At every 3 minute interval, (3,6,9,12...) you must hold the bar over head for 20 seconds.  If you drop the bar during the 20 seconds, there is a 10 burpee penalty at the end of the workout.  

Friday, September 6, 2013

Thursday, September 5, 2013


75 Power cleans  75/45#

1 round for time


30 Power Cleans 45/35

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


5 Pull ups
10 Push ups
15 squats

20 minute AMRAP


5 Pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats

12 minute AMRAP

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Deadlift - Start ramping up the weight on the dead lifts.  These are not touch and go.



10 Overhead squat  95/65
Run 200 meters

5 rounds for time


Overhead squat  45/PVC
Run 200 meters

4 rounds for time

Youth Class

We will be holding a kid class from 4-5 on Tuesdays and Thursdays, starting today.  We will work on body weight movements and having fun.  Price depends on how many family members are coming in--around $10 a month.  Spread the word and see you there!

Monday, September 2, 2013

5-3-1 Push jerk



Push press 115/85
Chest to bar pullups

Rest 3-5 minutes

Run 800 meters for time

Sunday, September 1, 2013

We are closed on Monday to celebrate Labor Day.  We hope you all have a great weekend and holiday.

Thanks for the awesome showing on Saturday.  We raised over $150 for donation to our local fire department.  I hope you all had a great time working out, and BBQ'ing.  We did.  

We're excited to announce our kids program is ready to start.  Launa Taylor and Michelle Schimbeck will be teaching the class two days a week.  We are thinking Tuesday and Thursday from 4-5 pm.  Get with Darcy, Shauna or Jesse for details.