Wednesday, July 29, 2015

20 kettlebell swings 53/35
20 goblet squats 53/35
200 m  run
rest 2 minutes

4 rounds for times

*the only time you may put the kettlebell down is during the 2 minute rest.  A 10 burpee penalty is to be paid each and every time you set the kb down.  This includes the run.

*note your time for each round.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

15 minutes to work on hang cleans

8 ring dips
8 chest to bar pull ups
16 handstand push ups
24 kettlebell swings 70/53

4 rounds

Monday, July 27, 2015

20 minute AMRAP
run 200 m
40 double unders
20 kettlebell swings 53/35
Hey All--
I (Shauna) will be out of town Thursday and Friday.  I will do my best to post the WOD on the blog.  If I don't have internet service, the WOD will be sent via carrier pigeon to a trusted friend, who will write it on the board.  All this to say, if the workout is not posted on the blog, it will still be up on the board at the gym.
Thanks and happy woding!

Sunday, July 26, 2015

5 rounds

3 minute AMRAP

3 power cleans 135/95
6 push sups
9 abmat sit ups
rest 2 minutes

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

In teams of two, with only one person working at a time:

100 double unders
90 deadlifts 135/95
80 abmit sit ups
70 air squats
60 box jumps
50 kettlebell swings 53/35
40 push ups
30 knees to elbows
20 pull ups
10 clean and jerks 135/95

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

10 minutes to reach your one rep max thruster
**your feet cannot move during the thruster


10 snatches 95/65
200 m run

3 rounds for time
6 minute time cap

Monday, July 20, 2015

10 deadlifts 185/155
20 wall balls 20/15
 5 rounds for time

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Gym hours will be the same Monday through Thursday....Due to the events of the holiday, we will be open only 6-8 a.m. on Friday.

Monday's WOD

21 deadlifts 175/115
21 box jumps 20"
400 m run
15 power cleans 175/115
15 box jumps 24"
400 m run
9 shoulder to overhead 175/115
9 box jumps 30"
400 m run

Friday, July 17, 2015

The gym will be open at 6am tomorrow--I will be there around 7...come wod with us!

Thursday, July 16, 2015

hang clean 135/95
toes to bar

then 10 rounds of Cindy

5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 air squats

all for time

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

AMRAP 12 minutes

3 power snatches 115/75
5 overhead squats 115/75
7 burpees

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Cash In: Run 400m

Shoulder To Overhead (95/65)
Double Unders (x2)

Front Squats (95/65)
Box Jump Overs (24/20)

Cash Out: Run 400m

Monday, July 13, 2015

4 min, 6 min, 8 min AMRAP WITH 1 min rest between
20 double unders
20 abmat sit ups
20 cleans 115/75
20 box jumps 24/20
20 back squats 115/75
20 burpees
20 knees to elbows

Sunday, July 12, 2015

15 rounds for time
run 200 m
10 wall balls 20/15
20 double unders

Friday, July 10, 2015

I'll be at the gym from 6-8 in the morning.  Anyone that would like to, come join me.  I won't be posting a wod, I will just write one on the board.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

20 turkish get ups (10 each side) 53/35#
4 rounds for time:
5 deadlifts 225/185#
10 handstand push ups
30 seconds at 85% on the airdyne

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

4 minute AMRAP
30 double unders/90 singles
max reps pull ups

rest 2 minutes

4 minute AMRAP
30 burpees
max reps push ups

rest 2 minutes

4 minute AMRAP
30 air squats
max reps sit ups

Score=number of pull ups+number of push ups+number or sit ups

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Snatches 115/75
Burpee box overs 24/20
for time

"Sally up Sally down"

Monday, July 6, 2015

Front rack lunges (6-6-6-6-6)
build over the course of the five sets


17 min AMRAP
200 m run
48 power cleans 115/75
200 m run
48 kettlebell swings 53/35
200 m run
48 double unders
200 m run
48 pull ups

Sunday, July 5, 2015

17 minute AMRAP

30 calorie row
30 wall ball 20/14#
30 shoulder to overhead 115/85#
30 box jumps 24/20"

Thursday, July 2, 2015

3-5 minutes Handstand hold--work on increasing time.  If you are already proficient at these, work on shoulder touches

Every six minutes for 18 minutes (3 sets)
10 dumbbell push presses 25/15 (in each hand)
20 box jump overs 24/20
400 m run

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

5-10 minutes of double under practice

EMOM for 8 minutes
front squat
use a weight that is heavy but that you can perform the movement with good form

for time:
30 kettlebell swings 53/35
15 burpees
24 kettlebell swings
12 burpees
18 kettlebell swings
9 burpees