Thursday, July 31, 2014

50 sumo dead lift high pulls 70/53
50 knees to elbow
50 wall balls 20/15
50 box jump overs

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Wow! I hope you realize that you exceeded what you thought you could do. Shauna normally has the fastest time on the board. 4 of you beat her time today, and those that didn't beat her, came dang close. I was getting nervous thinking about all of the jump ropes that I was going to order.

You guys crushed that WOD.  I heard the level of intensity in the gym was awesome. That difference in intensity is the difference in results. If you want to see great results, you must have great intensity.

15 push ups
100 m run

10 rounds for time

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

You guys have been killing it the last two nights!

Run 400 meters
40 unbroken kettle bell swings 53/35
Run 400 meters
30 unbroken kettle bell swings 53/35
Run 400 meters
20 unbroken kettlebell swings 53/35

If you break on the kb swings there is a 200 meter run penalty. You must run when you break, not at the end of the WOD. Have fun!!!

If anyone beats Shauna and RX's, I will buy them an Rogue jump rope (one of the good ones). If Shauna beats everyone, she gets the rope.

Have fun!!

Monday, July 28, 2014

WOD for Tuesday July 29th

20 front squats 115/75
30 box jumps 24/20
75 double unders
15 front squats 115/75
20 box jumps
50 double unders
10 front squats 115/75
10 box jumps
25 double unders

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Workout for 7/25/2014

5 rounds
Max reps in 3 minutes
3 power cleans 135/95
6 push ups
9 air squats
Rest 2 minutes

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Monday, July 21, 2014


Thrusters 115/75
CTB pull-ups



75 wall balls for time
We will be closed on Thursday, July 24th for the holiday.  Normal hours on Friday.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

100 airsquats
Run 200 meters
80 sit-ups
Run 200 meters
60 kb swings 53/35
Run 200 meters
40 kb push press (20 per arm)
Run 200 meters
20 box over burpees
Run 200 meters

Thursday, July 17, 2014

12 double unders
10 push press 95/65
8 walking lunges
6 toes to bar

6 rounds

every two rounds:
run 200 m frontwards
run 200 m backwards

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Run 500 meters
40 box jumps 24/20
30 power cleans 95/65
20 handstand push-ups
10 ring dips
20 handstand push-ups
30 power cleans
40 box jumps
Run 500 meters

Monday, July 14, 2014 this one is a bit complicated, so if you have any questions about it- ask Darcy. She won't know the answer, and it will be funny.

800 meter run

Rest 5 minutes

Then while holding a kettle bell 53/35, complete the following for time

3 rounds

Run 200 meters
20 kettle bell swings
15 box step ups while holding the kettlebell
10 goblet squats

If you set your kettlebell down for ANY reason, it's an immediate 5 burpee penalty. If you DROP the kettlebell, it's an immediate 15 burpee penalty.

Sunday, July 13, 2014


Thrusters 95/65
Bar over burpees


1 minute L sit hang

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Today's fundraiser workout will be adjusted to accommodate space and equipment as follows: Regular workout: partner one runs 800 meters, then partners share the work of 3 minutes of each of the following movements: pull ups, box jumps, push ups, air squats, wall balls, then partner two runs 800 meters. In the modified workout the runs will be 400 meters and the weights and heights of the movements will be scaled. Any kids wishing to participate will run 200 meters and the 3 minute movements will be: push ups, sit ups, air squats, and walking lunges. Further details and instructions will be given at the fundraiser. Prizes will be given to the winning team in each of those categories. Please come out and support this cause--you can work out or cheer us on! 10 am at 359 N Center in Enterprise.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

We hope to see everyone Saturday morning at our fundraiser WOD.  
10 am 
Bring a partner!
Back squat and front squat
Work to a one rep max on each

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

800 meter run

KB swings 1.5 pood/1 pood
Double unders

800 meter run

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

9 minute AMRAP

2 thrusters 75/55
2 weighted box step ups 75/55
4 thrusters
4 weighted box step ups
6 thrusters
6 weighted box step ups

Monday, July 7, 2014

Run 400 meters
20 hand release push-ups
20 sit-ups
20 air squats

5 rounds for time

Sunday, July 6, 2014

21 deadlifts 155/115
15 pull ups
9 front squats 155/115

3 rounds

Friday, July 4, 2014

Darcy will be at the gym between 6-8 am.  I wrote the WOD on the board.  Have Fun.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

100 double unders
75 wall balls 20/15
50 push press 95/65
25 burpees

1 round for time


2 minute plank hold

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

50 double under buy in

10 sumo dead lift high pull 53/35
10 knees to elbows

X 5 rounds

50 double under buy out