Thursday, March 31, 2016

20 overhead squats 95/65
40 chest to bar pull ups
800 m run/row
40 chest to bar pull ups
20 overhead squats 95/65

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

30 Calories on the rower


4 rounds
15 hang power cleans - 95/65
15 wall balls 20/15

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Front squat

EMOM 15 minutes
Minute 1= 15 wall balls 25/20
Minute 2=  10 two hand dumbbell snatch 2X35/2X25
Minute 3=  45 seconds airdyne

Monday, March 28, 2016

Congrats to everyone that completed the 2016 Open!  You should be proud of yourself...I am sure you accomplished some things you didn't think you could. Keep that momentum and positive attitude going!

For time:
50 calorie row
40 weighted ghd sit ups (as heavy as possible--or super heavy abmat)
30 hand stand push ups--no holds today--if unable to do the push ups, do strict presses as heavy as possible
20 cleans 135/95
10 front rack lunge steps 135/95
12 minute AMRAP
10 front squats 135/95
50 double unders
10 toes to bar

Friday, March 25, 2016

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

The weather is finally supposed to warm up this weekend!!  Let's run today.

Run 400 meters
rest 1 minute
Run 800 meters
rest 2 minutes
Run 1200 meters
rest 3 minutes
Run 1600 meters

For time

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Row1000 m
50 thrusters 45/45
30 pull ups

Row 500 m
30 thrusters 65/55
20 pull ups

Row 250 m
15 thrusters 95/65
10 pull ups

All for time

Monday, March 21, 2016

5 squat clean and jerk 95/65
10 handstand push-ups
4 squat clean and jerk 105/75
10 handstand push-ups
3 squat clean and jerk 115/85
10 handstand push-ups
2 squat clean and jerk 125/95
10 handstand push-ups
1 squat clean and jerk 135/105
10 handstand push-ups

For time

Sunday, March 20, 2016

42 med ball squat cleans 20/15
21 body weight bench press
30 med ball squat cleans
15 body weight bench press
18 med ball squat cleans
9 body weight bench press

Thursday, March 17, 2016

For those doing the open today:
Row or run or air dyne
Work on stretching

Anyone not doing the open:
30 clean and jerks for time

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Partner workout
One partner works, the other is actively resting
Reps must be evenly divided

50 kettlebell swings 53/35
Active rest: front rack with empty bar in full squat

50 weighted box step ups with kettlebell 53/35
Active rest: overhead press hold with empty bar

50 ghd sit ups
Active rest: hollow rock hold from pull up bar

200 m run/row
Active rest: plank hold

2 rounds
18 minute AMRAP
3 handstand push ups
6 hang power cleans 95/65
36 double unders

Monday, March 14, 2016

50 thrusters 95/65
40 wall balls 20/15
30 box jumps 24/20
20 snatches 95/65
10 chest to bar pull-ups

Sunday, March 13, 2016

For time:
1 round
100 double unders
50 air squats
25 push presses 95/65

2 rounds
60 double unders
30 air squats
15 push presses 95/65

3 rounds
40 double unders
20 air squats
10 push presses 95/65


Thursday, March 10, 2016

Double unders
Power cleans 95/65

Run/row 200 m between rounds
(Start with power cleans, end with pistols)

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

4 ring dips
8 handstand push ups
12 kettlebell swings

16 minute AMRAP

Monday, March 7, 2016

60 calorie row
50 deadlifts 115/75
40 pull ups
30 shoulder to overhead 115/75
20 box jumps 24/20
10 overhead squats 115/75

Sunday, March 6, 2016

3 snatches 95/65
3 back squats 185/135
10 ghds

10 rounds

Thursday, March 3, 2016

If you are doing the Open workout tonight, row a bit or Airdyne a bit and work on mobility.

Down and back farmer carry  kettlebells or dumbbells (go as heavy as possible)
12 good mornings 45#
24 air squats

16 minute AMRAP

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

I'm really excited for the workout announcement tomorrow.  Spend today working on mobility.

20 wall balls 20/15
10 pull ups
5 wall walks

4 rounds for time.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Barbell bent over rows
4 sets of 5

Strict pullups
4 sets of 5

Hang cleans 95/65
Box jump overs 24/20