Tuesday, July 31, 2012

It's time to measure the benchmark lifts that we did at the start of the challenge.

Dead lift
Push press

Work your way up to your max lift.  I can't wait to see the results of your hard work tomorrow.

The W.O.D. tomorrow is

Clean and Jerk
Heaviest possible with good form.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sunday is a rest day -

Monday 07/30/2012

Attach an object at precisely 12" above your maximum reach with rope or cord, and complete 4 rounds for time of:

30 Jump and touch
185/135 pound Deadlift, 20 reps
10 Handstand push-ups*

*Sub handrelease pushups (10) and max handstand holds (4) for handstand pushups

Friday, July 27, 2012

Helen 400 meter run 21 kettlebell swings 12 pull ups 3 rounds for time Strength cluster 3x6 squat Max handstand hold 3 sets

I've been talking a little bit about nutrition to some of you.  This is a long article, but a good read on why Paleo works and how it works.  Shauna and I are not nutritional experts, but we are willing to tell you whats worked for us.  I believe Curtis and Melinda would tell you the same things about Paleo.  It works.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

07/27/2012 --- High School Weight Room - 6:30 pm

There is a choice of doing one of two workouts tonight.



Thrusters and Pullups


10 Power Snatch  95/65
10 barbell step ups 20/bench
15 barbell burpees

4 rounds for time

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

High School football field - 6:30 pm

1000 meter run
75 pushups
100 double unders

See you there.

Monday, July 23, 2012

WOD tomorrow - 07/24/12
High school - 630 pm
Hero WOD

15 Kettlebell swings - 1.5 pood - 53/35 lbs
15 Power cleans - 95/65 lbs
15 Box jumps 24/20 inches

7 rounds for time

U.S. Army Sergeant Jeremiah Wittman, 26, of Darby, Montana, assigned to the 1st Battalion, 12th Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, based out of Fort Carson, Colorado, was killed on February 13, 2010, when insurgents attacked his unit with a roadside bomb in Zhari province, Afghanistan. He is survived by his daughters Miah and Ariauna, wife Karyn, siblings Robert H., Charity, Jenell, and Natasha, father Robert, and mother Cynthia Church.
Shirts are here for tomorrow's race.  Come by the house and pick them up. 

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Rest Day
I uploaded some photos from yesterday's WOD.  There is a link on the right side of the page titiled "If it looks like it hurt, it probably did."  Click on it and check out the photos. 

I've been getting a few questions about the Paleo diet that we talk about. Here is a funny pic that describes it.  It's pretty dang accurate. 

Friday, July 20, 2012

I've been so impressed with all of your efforts this week. You guys inspire me.

WOD - 07/21/2012 High school weight room
10 front squats 95/65
Rest one minute
10 bench press 135/95
Rest one minute
10 kettle bell swings 70/55/35
Rest one minute 4 rounds

No time on this one - focus on form

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Friday - 07/20/2012

This one is for fun.  Partner up with your significant other and
Wear crappy clothes for this one - we will get dirty
Run 100 meters carrying a 45/25 lb plate
10 Box jumps onto the tractor tire
5 tire flips
Run back with your plate and tag your partner

3 sets for fun!!
Shauna and I find ourselves at a crossroads.  We love the workout program, and believe we are doing a good thing for the community by hosting the workouts and putting the information on the blog.  We would like to help as many people become healthy as possible.  Crossfit is a lifestyle, a lifestyle that should be shared.

I heard some people don't like waiting to use the equipment and believe the workouts are taking too long to get through, so they don't want to invite other people because it would make their wait longer.    To not invite other people because you don't want to wait for something that you are using free of charge is bullshit.  It's selfish and petty. 

We own some equipment and have been letting everyone use it, free of charge.   All you have to do is wait your turn.   If you want to speed up the wait time, go buy your own equipment.  We didn't get into this to get rich, or because of some deep seeded need to be the center of attention.  We got into it because we enjoy working out and found a way to workout and get great results - we discovered something awesome, and we want to share it with as many people as possible; even if it means that we wait a little bit longer for a kettlebell or a bar. 

Eventually, we would love to become affiliated, and certified and open an *official* gym.  Until we do, all we have is the little bit of equipment that we can scratch together and a cheap blog.  If that's too inconvenient for you, then drive your ass down to St. George and join a gym.
Tonight's workout @ Football field 6:30 pm

50 Power Cleans 135/95/65 - scale as appropriate
50 Burpees
100 Double Unders - X 3 for singles
800 meter run

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

High School - 6:30 pm - football field

This workout is a good one to bring a friend with you.  If you know someone who wants to work with us, bring them along.

EMOM - 22 minutes

10 airsquats
5 games pushups
2 burpees

Monday, July 16, 2012

My house - 6:30 pm - Bring your kettlebells or dumbbells

7 Right arm push press
20 yard waiter carry
5 toes to bar
7 Left arm push press
20 yard waiter carry
5 toes to bar

5 rounds

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Meet at the elementary school at 8 p.m.

Run 400 meters
20 pullups

Rest 1 minute

4 rounds for time

Sunday - Rest Day

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Friday - Meet at the high school at 8 p.m.

20 Box Jumps 24/20
15 Thrusters 95/65
10 Burpees

3 rounds for time

Rest 5 minutes

200 meter shuttle run

5 rounds

Monday, July 9, 2012

Tell me what you guys think!!  They will be available in red, black, and blue. 

WOD - 07/10/2012

WOD at my house - 20:00

For Time

100 squats
run 400 yards
75 squats
run 400 yards
50 squats
run 400 yards
25 squats
run 400 yards

Well guys and gals, I guess it's time to make things official.  We have been working out for a little over 3 weeks now, and it's time that you guys have somewhere to see the WODs before the workouts.  We are still looking for a place to workout consistently, and between the high school and the backyard, we have been able to make it work so far.  If you guys know of someone who has an empty garage, or an empty outbuilding, we would love to use it.

Some of you are seeing awesome results.  The workouts have been tough, and I've seen some awesome efforts out of you guys.  So, let's go down this xfit road together, and I know we will see some amazing transformations.

OH walking lunge steps x 20 @45/25
Toes 2 Bar x 15
Double Unders x 50

4 rounds for time