Thursday, August 30, 2012

10 135/95# clean and jerks
10 box jumps 24/20 inch
25 double unders
SPRINT 200 meters

2 rounds for time...

Have a good weekend everyone.  Be safe out there.


  1. This is for Jesse and Shauna. just wanted to let you know that i did 75lbs. on the cleans and jerk! Wohoo!!! :) i am so proud of myself!
    Thanks for pushing me everybody!
    Have a great holiday weekened!

  2. You did awesome Kristi! I'm gonna try it next time but When I tried it on the second round I couldn't get the lock out. You are buff girl! Keep up the food work!

  3. I'm so impressed at all of your gains. You guys have been working hard for several months, and are seeing awesome results. You're hard work and willingness to try something new say a lot about your character.
